Well and people, have got a false idea themselves most cleverly! They that, think that they geniuses? Or they have got a false idea themselves most cleverly? All here are equal, it is necessary to respect, instead of to represent from itself the genius.
Well and people, have got a false idea themselves most cleverly! They that, think that they geniuses? Or they have got a false idea themselves most cleverly? All here are equal, it is necessary to respect, instead of to represent from itself the genius.
Надо будет выловить какого-нить программиста, запереть его в кладовке вместе с компом и не выпускать, пока он не сделает новый костюм для Данте по спец. заказу всех дам, изнывающих от него от страсти и любви хD
Даёшь народу новый костюм "Данте в купальных плавках"!!!